Why aren't your web stories showing in Google Discover?
Author: Nitin Kumar Khatri Published on: February 12, 2024
Here are potential reasons why your web stories are not appearing in Google Discover:
1. Your Webstory is not Indexed.
2. Your website is not focusing on a specific niche and target audience.
3. The topic may not be relevant to the current interests of your target audience.
4. The topic might not be helpful or interesting to your target audience.
5. The content could be of low quality, failing to provide what readers are looking for.
6. There may be a lack of on-page SEO optimization.
7. Insufficient initial traffic and a failure to share your web stories on social media.
8. A lack of relevant pages that demonstrate authority on the given topic.
9. Your content is violating Google Discover's content policies.
10. Click Through Rate (CTR) and Engagement are low on your Webstory.
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